June 5th || Students presentations || Best Presentation Awards || Visit to TORNGATS ||
June 6th || Training Session TS-C Ultrasonic Testing || Visit to the CTA || Visit to Héroux-Devtek ||
June 7th || Training Session TS-D Eddy Current Testing || Hands-on Workshops UT and ECT ||
|| Group photos || AGM2019 ||
Mohammad Ebrahim Bajgholi– PhD candidate –Project: Advanced ultrasonic inspection technologies applied to the welded joints of hydraulic turbine runners Supervisor: Prof. Martin Viens |
Nicola Tremblay– MSc candidate –Project: Improvement of Probability of detection in ultrasound testing using total focusing method and elementary signal processing Supervisor: Prof. Pierre Bélanger |
Samira Ebrahimi
Farima Abdollahi Mamoudan
John Cong Sun– MASc candidate –Project: Design of Magnetostrictive Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer for Corrosion Detection at Piping Supports. Supervisor: Prof. Tobin Filleter |
Arthur Chapon– MSc candidate –Project: Ultrasound transducers optimization by computer simulation based on Finite Elements Supervisor: Prof. Pierre Bélanger |
Hamidreza Shahmiri– PhD candidate –Project: Non-destructive Evaluation of Hydrogen Embrittlement in High-strength Steels Using Ultrasonic Surface Waves Supervisor: Prof. Martin Viens |
Ali Khademi Far– MSc candidate –Project: Reliability of shearography as a mean to detect bonding flaws in adhesively bonded structures. Supervisor: Prof. Martin Viens |
Roger Booto-PhD candidateProject: Predictive 3D Radiography for defect detection and analysis. Supervisor: Prof. Xavier Maldague |
Jorge Rodrigues– PhD candidate –Project: Feasibility of ultrasound phased array inspection on as forged components Supervisor: Prof. Pierre Bélanger |
Patrick Deschênes Labrie-MSc candidateProject: Improvement of Probability of detection in ultrasound testing using total focusing method and elementary signal processing. Supervisor: Prof. Xavier Maldague |
Pantea Tavakolian– Posdoctoral Fellow –Project: Development of Enhanced Truncated Correlation Photothermal Coherence Tomography system for biomedical, and non-destructive testing applications. Supervisor: Prof. Andreas Mandelis |
Yohan Bélanger-MSc candidateProject: Automatic Defect Recognition: Model-Based Tomographic Reconstruction and Image Simulation for use in X-Ray NDT Supervisor: Prof. Xavier Maldague |
Kevin Yip– MASc candidate –Project: Development of ultrasonic force microscopy techniques for high spatial resolution non destructive testing of nanostructured materials. Supervisor: Prof. Tobin Filleter
Zarreen Naowal Reza– MSc candidate –Project: Development of Algorithm for Real-Time Pattern Recognition on Ultrasonic Images of Industrial Process with Variable Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Partially Missing or Scaled Features. Supervisor: Prof. Roman Maev |
June 5th || Students presentations || Best Presentation Awards || Visit to TORNGATS ||
June 6th || Training Session TS-C Ultrasonic Testing || Visit to the CTA || Visit to Héroux-Devtek ||
June 7th || Training Session TS-D Eddy Current Testing || Hands-on Workshops UT and ECT ||
|| Group photos || AGM2019 ||